
SITH® Lecture

Topic: Self Love

Date (India Time) :
 11 February’ 2024
Time (India Time) :
 10 am – 1 pm Indian standard time
Location :
Register :

Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process of repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affect our business(es). SELF I-DENTITY through HO`OPONOPONO® frees SELF from memories replaying problems through repentance, forgiveness and transmutation. “If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society” -Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Topic- Self Love

  • How to clean with loving yourself & having a healthy sense of self worth
  • Being confident in your skin rather than always comparing
  • How to clean to be Free from being controlled by what others think of you.
  • How to love our physical body, our imperfections, our circumstances, emotions.
  • To be able to forgive others & our past mistakes.
  • Having healthy Intimate relationships rooted in self-love & self-care
  • Self-love & deserving money
We may grow up looking at other people, comparing ourselves and our lives and then feeling less about ourselves. We are taught to compete with others, be like others, chase perfection yet all of that is an illusion. It is an endless vicious trap in which most people spend their whole lives. This creates a very unfulfilling life filled with jealousy, insecurity, feeling not good enough. When somebody is better than us we feel inferior, when somebody is less than us we feel superior. However, this is an extremely exhausting way of living because your whole self-worth is controlled from outside. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® gives us tools to come back home to our self and our inner family.


Mahayana I. Dugast, Ph.D.

She met SITH Ho’oponopono in 2008. She has three sons and one grandson. She says that her work, motherhood, and grandmotherhood are all in harmony with the blessings of being able to practice the “true self” that she learned at SITH. The ability to express herself in these three roles with a peaceful heart is all due to the cleaning of each moment.

Mahayana was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer by doctor in 2010. At that time, she decided to do her own natural treatments instead of those recommended by her doctor, which were inspired by the cleaning she was already practicing at that time. After nine months of cleaning and inspirational practice, a healing occurred. From this experience, she realized that Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono is a wisdom for the self to regain the integrated connection that is essential to solving all problems, which is inherent in all people.


has been practicing Ho’oponopono for last 10 years and took her first class in 2015. In her first SITH® class she experienced a deep sense of peace that got anchored in her and has stayed with her ever since through all ups & downs of life. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is a way of life for her and she has been in awe of the profoundness of this beautiful & complete practice. She experienced miraculous transformations in her romantic relationships, finding a life partner, creating a loving, balanced married life as well creating a Health & financial abundance from scratch using SITH® & just being in the flow of life & inspiration. She is a Neuroplastician and has studied various healing modalities including energy healing, somatic healing, neuroscience, etc., but when she attended the first SITH® class she found what she had been searching for. All the missing pieces fell in place. She is a Neuro Somatic Coach and applies SITH® in all her work with clients & the Health processes. Prior to this she has worked with the Government in developing and implementing Policies for the underprivileged sections of India. After years of cleaning she felt inspired to become a SITH® Coordinator in 2022 and feels blessed to have brought SITH® to India.
Geet taneja
Date :

11 February’2024


10 am – 1 pm Indian standard time


Self Love

 Language :



INR 5000


Banglore, Karnataka, India

 Class Mode:

Zoom Video Online


Terms & conditions

For ONLINE classes:

  1. Participants are signing up as one person, and are requested not to share the link for the class or invite others over to view the lecture. Each person who wants to participate in the lecture, needs to register and sign up as a legitimate student.  Participation and viewing of the lecture is for the person who registered only. If you have others interested in attending the lecture, feel free to send them the website or flyer for registration.
  2. Audio recording, Video recording, and taking photographs are strictly prohibited, copyright rules apply.
  3. “IZI LLC” owns all information, copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights provided at the lectures/classes. Therefore, disclosure, duplication, copying, distribution, sale, provision, advertisement, or other disclosure to third parties without prior permission of “IZI LLC” is prohibited.
  4. There are no plans to release recorded video of the lecture, so please check the schedule carefully and make sure that you can attend on the day(s) before applying. Also, thoroughly test the Internet speed, bandwidth & environment to confirm that there are no problems in advance. Students are responsible to make sure your equipment can handles the class.
  5. In signing up for the class/lectures, we ask that you do not use unnecessary electronic devices. All IZI LLC sponsored SITH® classes and lectures In-person or ONLINE are spiritual events.  It is with great care, spiritual cleaning, and respect that we present these events to you.

Therefore, we ask that you not engage in any electronic social communication via texting, emailing, and/or phone calling (unless in case of emergency) while the class is being conducted.  We also ask that all other electronic devices not being used to view the class be powered off. Engaging in active social communication during class presentations and the use of unnecessary electronic devices impacts the sacredness of the class.  The ramifications of these actions could be tremendous for you, your family, relatives and ancestors.  It is our responsibility to inform you of this.

Technical Details

How to Participate

  • This class will be held using the online meeting app Zoom.
    Please download the app to your computer or smartphone in advance.




  • Once you have completed the application and payment, we will send you the URL to attend the class by email.
  • You can access the URL from one hour before the class.
  • If you are not used to using Zoom, please allow plenty of time for your participation.
  • Please refrain from taking part in this event in cars or in areas that may cause inconvenience to other people or are noisy.
  • A strong and stable internet connection is required.
  • We recommend that you use a Wi-Fi connection (rather than a mobile phone network) to access the class, as it may use a
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  • There are no plans to show the recorded video of the class. Please check the schedule and make sure that you will be able to attend the class.
  • In order to protect the copyright of the material we provide and to protect the privacy of all attendees, recording, filming, screenshotting, etc. are not allowed in any way, either as part of the online class or in its entirety.
  • Sharing the link of Zoom to others is not allowed.
  • All information, copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights provided in the online class are owned by “IZI LLC”.
  • Therefore, it is prohibited to divulge, disclose, reproduce, copy, distribute, sell, offer, advertise, or otherwise make available to any third party without the prior permission of “IZI LLC”.

Cancellation Policy

SITH® India does not accept any cancellations. The cleaning begins with registration and the registration list is sent every business day to the 3 affiliates and instructor for the lecture.

Dr. Hew Len wrote regarding the SITH® events:

“This is the lifetime to be yourself, pure-in-heart, free of fear and distress. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® takes you home to the purity of yourself through cleaning memories replaying fear and distress.

From the purity of your heart automatically comes light. The Light, enlightenment, provides all that is perfect for you: perfect family and business relationships, perfect sources of wealth and perfect talents and ideas.

All is available to you NOW. You alone must make the choice: to live with fear and distress or live the light of perfection.”

Participation Fee

Registration Amount – INR 5000

You can make Payment using Bank transfer or the payment gateway on website-

  • Bank Transfer-
    Account name-Rainbow Infinity LLP
    Bank Name-Axis bank
    Account number-922020043101417
    Swift code-AXISINBB644
    Account type-Current account
    IFSC code-UTIB0000644
  • Payment Gateway- When you click on Register and add to cart and checkout, you will see 2 payment gateways. Each payment gateway has multiple options to make payment –
    • Payment gateway 1-Paytm
      On selecting this you will get an option to use your credit/debit cards.
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    • Payment gateway 2- Razorpay
      This is below the Paytm option. Once you select this,it will have a Paypal option inside.
      You can use Paypal option for payment as well especially if you are living outside India

SITH® India Ho’oponopono Contact Details

Location: New Delhi, India
E-mail: indiahooponopono@gmail.com
Phone:+91 9310070339


This is not a question but a testimonial for physical rebalancing. I am a Doctor, Radiologist by profession. I am continuously looking at monitors all through my working hours and because of that I developed this really bad neck pain. I have already taken the SITH® Business Ho oponopono class before, so I was already cleaning. I was always going in and out of physiotherapy every month to get some relief for the pain. I started doing the physical rebalance and did not expect anything but was honestly doing it for fun thinking I am rebalancing my trinity. Within a week my pain disappeared completely and earlier the back of my neck was so sore to even touch....now, it is back to normal and I haven't done anything else and I noticed the change because I had an appointment with the physiotherapist and i was reminded from their office for my monthly visit , but for the first time after a looooong time I had forgotten about the pain coz its not there anymore and even now, when i forget to do it for a week I can still feel a lil bit of the pain coming back and now I have made it my routine. I thank the divinity for such wonderful gift. Thank you, I love you

I want to share one of my experience that took place after the Business class that was held on 10 and 11th June 2023. My husband was able to complete 40%of his annual target within a span of 20 days of the Business class. One of the accounts he was working on for 9 months with no luck and a lot of bumps. He got that deal signed. And he said, it was the easiest closure meetings he had ever conducted. I may never know how to thank Divinity and the people who made it possible to bring such classes to India. Thanks to everyone for their cleaning. Always in Gratitude 🙏🏻 "The Pillar of the Peace of I"

I had registered my property for the upcoming business class as WWA Even before the class I've received the legal clearance for the property that I've been trying for three years I'm totally blown away because this is my first experience registering a WWA

This is amazing. As I registered for the class within 2 to 3 days I got my money back from a Jeweler who was kinda cheating me & also a huge shift happened in a legal case I am involved in, I hope this cleans further on my money & business. Thank you

One of the most amazing programs. I am so honored and so much in gratitude for an opportunity to learn Ho'oponopono and getting opportunities to clean and get cleaned.

It was very exciting to join the Lecture! It was amazing to hear from Kamaile and from everybody there! Thank you for the opportunity!! Peace of I!

Thank you! Always a beautiful way to clean the subconscious of our Eons together....Thank you!

ALOHA I am so elated that something so close to my heart is taking roots in India too. Ho'oponopono is a way of life! The workshops are so so amazing and quite literally life altering. So glad to be part of it!! POI

“ALOHA! After taking the SELF I-DENTITY through HO’OPONOPONO® class….. I began my cleaning with the manual and the tools, one day I woke up feeling very well, my blood pressure normalized, before the class, it did not go down with anything, they had declared me with uncontrollable blood pressure, symptoms that I had before like cold in my hands and they went numb, suddenly gone. I also felt tachycardia, it also disappeared. Today I even eat the vanilla ice cream that I couldn’t before and I feel very good, I feel a lot of peace inside. also had triggered a series of allergies to food and disappeared. I could hardly eat anything, today like the fish that inflamed my eyes and my hands, and today at this very moment I can eat it without fear because it disappeared and there is no trace of inflammation when eating it. I do my cleaning before, during and after. I feel a lot of peace within me, it is very beautiful and there are no words to describe it. My husband was always angry about everything, he hardly speaks anymore, now everything seems fine to him. My husband’s youngest son, 16 years old, from another marriage, had Diabetes for 12 months. Last week, he called his father, my husband, telling him that the doctor took the medicine from him because he no longer needed it because his diabetes was healed. A well-known person also called me and told me that his husband, who had diabetes and high blood pressure, feels very good and his diabetes has normalized. The other day my girl called me to say that my 6-year-old grandson gave him a very strong pain and they went to the hospital, I started cleaning and they ended up stinking from the hospital without seeing the doctor because he no longer had the pain. I clean all the time the expectations that may arise at every moment. Thanks from my heart and soul to The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos, to Morrnah Simeona, Ihaleakala Hew Len, and all authorized SELF I-DENTITY through HO’OPONOPONO® instructors…. The Peace of “I”.”

“ALOHA! After taking the SELF I-DENTITY through HO’OPONOPONO® class….. I began my cleaning with the manual and the tools, one day I woke up feeling very well, my blood pressure normalized, before the class, it did not go down with anything, they had declared me with uncontrollable blood pressure, symptoms that I had before like cold in my hands and they went numb, suddenly gone. I also felt tachycardia, it also disappeared. Today I even eat the vanilla ice cream that I couldn’t before and I feel very good, I feel a lot of peace inside. also had triggered a series of allergies to food and disappeared. I could hardly eat anything, today like the fish that inflamed my eyes and my hands, and today at this very moment I can eat it without fear because it disappeared and there is no trace of inflammation when eating it. I do my cleaning before, during and after. I feel a lot of peace within me, it is very beautiful and there are no words to describe it. My husband was always angry about everything, he hardly speaks anymore, now everything seems fine to him. My husband’s youngest son, 16 years old, from another marriage, had Diabetes for 12 months. Last week, he called his father, my husband, telling him that the doctor took the medicine from him because he no longer needed it because his diabetes was healed. A well-known person also called me and told me that his husband, who had diabetes and high blood pressure, feels very good and his diabetes has normalized. The other day my girl called me to say that my 6-year-old grandson gave him a very strong pain and they went to the hospital, I started cleaning and they ended up stinking from the hospital without seeing the doctor because he no longer had the pain. I clean all the time the expectations that may arise at every moment. Thanks from my heart and soul to The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos, to Morrnah Simeona, Ihaleakala Hew Len, and all authorized SELF I-DENTITY through HO’OPONOPONO® instructors…. The Peace of “I”.”

Last weekend (December 4th and 5th) I took my first SITH® Basic II online class. During the class that weekend, my 29-year-old nephew had to undergo a very complicated and lengthy surgical procedure for the replacement of a bone prosthesis. As the first day of class went by, the image of my nephew came to my mind over and over again; I began my cleaning with the tools with which I felt that they came to me by inspiration, I cleaned memories with him, with my family, with the doctors, with the hospital … I cleaned and left it to the Divinity. At the end of the class, the surprises began: due to an inconvenience with the new prosthesis that was detected a few minutes before the anesthesia, the doctors decided to postpone the surgical intervention for a week, without my nephew being anesthetized or they came to make any incision. But things would not end here. Today, one week after the class, my nephew returned to the hospital for surgery, this time, knowing that he had the correct prosthesis. The surgeons participating in the intervention would be three due to the degree of complexity of the operation. Obviously, I kept cleaning in myself these memories of suffering, hospital pain, etc. I used familiar tools and new tools learned in the last class… I used those that by inspiration I felt I should use. And I got carried away by cleaning, without expectations, I just cleaned. And I handed it over to the Divine. And the miracle happened: the doctors found that his bone “miraculously” solidified. There was no need to replace the prosthesis or to have my nephew go through a second new and long operation. Said by the doctors: “a true miracle”. The doctors were so shocked that they took a video and photos to bear witness to what happened. What happened? I don’t know, I just did my cleaning. And what memory or memories were erased I don’t know either, and that is not important. But for me it is important to testify that Ho’oponopono works if and only if we practice it and, without expectations, we leave it to the Divine. Thank you dear Morrnah for the beautiful gift you have given us. And infinite thanks to IZI LLC, and The Foundation of I Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos for lovingly preserving those wonderful teachings. I love you. I am immensely grateful.”

“ As you already know, I’m from Ukraine. Since the first hours of the Russian Invasion….. I’m reading & watching & listening all the news about what’s happening and then I’m cleaning whatever is coming up in me. The first 2 days were very tough cleansing-wise, but the last 24 hours are a little bit better, as I feel. Anyway, if you or anyone else…. is willing to help, to clean all this situation — I’ll be very glad and grateful.”

“Aloha to everyone who reading this testimony. I’m a SITH® student living in Italy and I’ve been doing the cleaning for 12 years now ,since I was 16 years old. ….I was born in Sumy, Ukraine and I lived there 10 years of my childhood, I was the first to get the information about this war. I wake up early that morning for some reason and after 5 minute my mother came to me and said there is bombarding in Kiev. I felt like a was very connected to this war, I have this crazy connection cause my father who is still living in Ukraine was an ex-military. I was grow up in a military base. It was my playground, and a have soo many relatives and parents in all Ukraine. And many friend in a military sector even some relatives in Russia sector too . I keep the cleaning going, knowing that doings so my family and relatives are going to be protected as long I was at peace. At some point of the story my grandma and 2 relatives with 2 kids decided to escape from Sumy to the border of Poland and came with her in Italy. A trip that was long 7 days from 8 march to 14. Now, I didn’t never mention this possibility to them or make the suggestion for them , I was maybe calling them for some more information. So if they decided to stay or move, it will be they decision since I don’t know what is right for them , only God knows. When I finally came to meet them in a train station a Verona before getting there I saw a lot of cars from Ukraine on the highways and I even have a chance to help a women who have some misunderstanding with how to pay the highways and you can guess where this lady was from 🙂 When I meet my relatives I felt their rhythm was different and I felt all this connection to Ukraine, for example I was driving in a highway to back home by night and I can see some of the cars from the distance like an illusion be a military vehicle, and for two hours my grandma told me the story about how she managed to escape from Ukraine and all the opportunities that showed up from nowhere . I guess it’s because of the cleaning that I did and some of my friends who also are SITH® students ,and these are only things that I’m conscious of ! Can you imagine unconsciously where the cleaning touched. I firmly believe that this open doors of possibility have something to do with it. And without the cleaning it was not possible all of this , I’m truly grateful and felt bless to have a SITH® process with my day by day . Otherwise I’ll be just worry and talking about the war.”

“Thank you very much for the class, I have really had a few days of quiet confrontation, all very positive fortunately. I feel that the Basic II has been to take a leap into the void, really a test of faith, that I will not deny you, I doubt in a few moments and I had to talk to my Unihipili and my Aumakua, and ask them, if we were not ready there was no eagerly we could wait. They gave me examples of what we had experienced in these two years and that we could do it. That answer gave me the confidence to know what I could take that step of faith. Although I still have questions about the operational use, I understood that the three of us must find our way. Thank you very much…. one more time. From the heart I want to share with you that Ho’oponopono has become a fundamental part of my life, in my crazy daily life, little by little I am more and more aware that all my problems are memories and I tell myself … no longer try to solve anything … I’ll just do Ho’oponopono … this relieves me of a lot of pressure.“

“I would like to share my experience from having in my hands, the Basic I Manual, that every time I go out to the street or somewhere, I feel that I should take it with me and not only that, but I have gone to places and with people that I have never I imagined I would ever meet. In one occasion when I went to solve a paper issue and took the opportunity to buy some items, I ended up forgetting the envelope in which the Manual was, when I was about to take a taxi to return home. With the surprise that I did not have the envelope with me, I felt a tremendous scare that I had already lost my Manual, which is the most VALUABLE thing that I have, I returned to the places where I went and Thanks to Divinity, the lady had kept it for me . I think it must have been necessary for me to clean that place, and that is why I forgot the Manual there. Thank you, I love you”

Is it really you?” Ten years ago I went to my first S.I.T.H. ® class. At the time it had been ten years since I had spoken to my mother. I don’t really know why we stopped talking, it just happened. When I look back on who I was then, I see a big block of white marble; cold, rigid, hard, burdened by the weight of memories. After my first class my life started moving. I followed the directions in the manuals and the marble started chipping away. One day I picked up the phone and called my mother! My hand just dialed the numbers and I didn’t know what to say. “Hi Mom.” “Is that really you?” “Yes, I’m sorry,” and we just started talking. Whatever happened, it was smoothed out. Now we talk almost everyday! We spend hours on the phone. We live on opposite sides of the USA but we practice qigong together on video. She’s really funny and very interesting, and I clean non-stop while we talk. I keep chipping away at the little things. Maybe a phrase she’s repeated my whole life. If something bugs me, I take note of it and clean it on the spot. The other day she looked different, younger and so beautiful, a real shift had taken place. I can’t say I’ve done this alone, my relationship to myself has also improved. I learned to be a good mother to my inner child. The closer I am to my inner child, the closer I get to my mother. It’s a profound path to go from indifference to an open heart. Divinity is such a fine sculptor, never wandering from the task at hand, with a vision beyond the mote stuck in my eye; the mother and child, perhaps that is the maquette Divinity has chosen to reveal, that I am only an infant in my unveiling, and a finer sculpture is waiting patiently under all the memories still yet to chip away.

“I want to thank all of you for cleaning…. And share my experience in this particular case. Before this Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Business Ho’oponopono class, 1,000.00 euros came into my life of the person I least expected (my mother) by surprise and gradually resuming contact after several years. But after taking the class, and also unexpectedly, the administration forgives a debt to my husband for a total of 4,100.00 euros. (The managers of the company related to this debt, call me to inform me, and convey the surprise that they had never seen or encountered a similar situation) I still have debts, but I love these debts, I love every situation and I can feel at Peace knowing that the Divinity is in charge. Every time I am surprised and at the same time excited to feel so close to this process! It is always an investment, be it material or emotional, to take Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes! I wish you, your family, relatives and ancestors, peace beyond all understanding. The Peace of I.”

“I opened the door to leave my apartment, there in the hallway was my neighbor with a pile of moving boxes, I applied my tools and said, “Oh, I see you’re moving.” She said, “yes,” and continued on her way. I’ve known my neighbor for almost 10 years and as much as I’ve tried to be friendly with her, we’ve been amiable, but never friends. I cleaned a lot with my experience of my neighbor over the years; I cleaned her job, her car, her route to work and back home again, I cleaned a lot on our doormats; our doors were at a 90° angle to each other. It was a bit of a tight space in the corner at the end of the hall. For many years I cleaned on wanting to move out, sometimes because of her, but even though I cleaned I still am living in the same place. As I cleaned with her move, and her dog, and her cat, and the people that came to help her, and the fact that she had really cheap rent in the city but was still going to move, I had to stop myself from butting in and trying to help her or give her suggestions. I just needed to leave her alone. That’s the cool thing about the cleaning, it kind of keeps you occupied so you don’t bug other people and you can let them be themselves and go on their way. The day came for her to leave and I found out that the neighbor next to her was going to move as well in the same month, and then my other neighbor texted me and asked me if I wanted a donut. Whew. I said okay and she brought me a chocolate donut with coconut sprinkles on it; as we ate our donuts together she asked me if we could trade parking spaces and that sounded okay to me, I didn’t have a car. And by her moving her car it opened up her parking space which is number 8, the infinity sign, and made it easier for us to access a little mini garden we had built in the back of our building. It was like a gateway opened. It was getting close to the time of my neighbor leaving in the moving truck, but at that time I was participating in an online Ho’oponopono class. I wanted to say goodbye but I didn’t turn away from the class because I knew that I was completely and totally in the right place. I was doing my cleaning and that’s all I needed to do, I didn’t have to have the last word and say goodbye. The result of the cleaning. My neighbor gave me a box of chocolates as a thank you for being the “best neighbor ever.” When I opened the box of chocolates, underneath the lid were the words, 100 years of sweetness, the chocolate company’s slogan. It brought a tear to my eye, I don’t know what was cleaned between the two of us but it ended sweetly and that’s the gift of Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono. “

“I share my testimony with you. I am an old ho’oponopono practitioner, I’ve learned from what is in the web. One day, watching an interview that someone made to you, that’s when the idea came to me so I expressed my desire to participate in a SITH Class and you offered me all the possible ways to attend a class. I continued cleaning and a few days before closing the date, an interested party appeared in the purchase of a house that he inherits (in the midst of a pandemic and with the economic situation of the country, we had that property detained without news) Take the “interested” as a sign that the cleaning was working so I redoubled the cleaning by internally promising that as soon as an economic improvement emerged, the first thing I would do would be to sign up. The interested party became a reservation and from there it became a sign. and from sign to sell. The same day that I collected the money for the sale I signed up. and from there an infinity of painful memories arose that in a normal situation would have stressed me out. I cleaned and let go while everything was sorted out. As an example, family fights. Covid in close people, death of my mother, procedures and procedures in preventive isolation. But all that happened was going away. I saw how my memories were that appeared to be able to clean them There was a Cleaning Team that made the memories that appeared and erased kept me in a peace that I cannot describe Good. In the week before the class started, the sale of the house was made. The day I went to complete the final operation, 5 minutes after leaving home, I received the materials for the class. I felt that it was a gift from the Divine saying that everything was correct and perfect. So it was. Although I did not open the Manual or the Tool Menu until the day of the class, I knew that they were cleaning. Well. the last one that happens the night before the class. At 9pm Argentine time something told me that I had to check again. The mind said but you have everything ready! But the little voice insisted .. look at the links. the materials and everything was fine. But the voice in me insisted. Look closely There I check the schedule…. 1 pm Spanish time. I was convinced that it would be 5:00 pm in Argentina … wow. Check, ask and even consult you .. and yes. It was not 5pm on Saturday. it was 8 am !!! The mind made the last move to lose the opportunity but my child warned me … This testimony is prior to taking the class. I am still processing the experience. About the class and my idea of what I thought Ho’oponopono was, I would recommend that everyone who “knows”, as I thought I “knew”, take the opportunity and take a class. Thank you, I love you.”

“This testimonial is about a WWA student named Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Bellevue Hospital is the oldest Hospital in the United States founded in 1736. It came up for the cleaning on behalf of my new business. I was very excited about selling my first product, then I found out it was going to be sent to Bellevue Hospital to a young person that was committing herself into the mental ward. It was that moment when I realized that I wasn’t in business to do anything but to clean. And so I sat with this situation and cleaned, it feels like sitting in traffic sometimes, nothing moves. What is the result of the WWA? An aspect of my business is on air, it is located on a radio station broadcasting out of New York City and New Jersey. The show was featured on the internet, but traffic has moved aside and now it has a time slot on live radio! What are we broadcasting at any moment; life or death, memory or inspiration? I clean with whatever I’m broadcasting, whatever is in tune or out of tune I can tune up with the cleaning. I’m always starting with me and applying Ho’oponopono to whatever I’m broadcasting out. What an easy way to let go of the ties I have with Bellevue Hospital. Bellevue Hospital in many ways is its own radio station, it has many programs running on one signal. Now that it has given me the opportunity to clean perhaps whatever Bellevue Hospital is broadcasting will also be lined up and in tune too. Thank you for the cleaning.”

“Thank you for the WWA service. I was inspired to sign up the New York State Fairgrounds as a SITH® student after I cleaned on my experience of my Mother getting a vaccine shot at their main building. What came up was that my Mother was getting the shot just so I could clean with the land. Wow Mom! I didn’t tell her what I was doing I just signed up the New York State Fairgrounds on the SITH® site and kept cleaning. My Mom reported back to me that she was so impressed by how smooth her day went. She said the timing of everyone there was in perfect rhythm, like a marble tower. Everyone just rolled in and out of the experience like marbles…and so we just keep rolling through the situation too. Thank you so much, not only did the cleaning move me and my Mom, it moved everyone else, including the land and everything known and unknown. Peace of I. “

“First, as a person who has worked with computers and the internet since 1982, I want to commend you on your exceptionally well organized presentation of the class with a digital slide presentation on an internet platform. I was very impressed with the calm, clear and steady presentation of the materials and teaching aids. Thank you so much for making it a smooth and satisfying experience.”

From a SITH® student: “Aloha…..Beautiful weekend. The Class was Wonderful. It had a loving Rhythm….. and I learned a lot as always. Reaffirm the cleaning, and I Fell More in Love with Ho’oponopono 12-Step Process. Excellent staff. . You and the 2 Great Instructors. Thank you…. Peace in you, family, relatives and Ancestors Always.” From a SITH® student: “Each seminar leaves new learnings, my inner family more united, my beautiful lighter child. Identifying memories, cleaning and seeking emptiness is becoming more and more natural. Thank you I love you.” From a SITH® student: “Thanks!!!! I love you I love you. I Love you. Beautiful Class. I am grateful to… all the people who accompanied. I’m happy. Thanks Ho’oponopono. I Love you” From a SITH® student: “Simply Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your cleaning and for the beautiful seminar this weekend …. thank you! I Love you”

I’m happy to share it with you all. I’m normally a cook by profession but since in italy all restaurants where forced to close. for 1-2 or more months. i decided to look for a job in a construction industry. having basically zero experience. Doing the cleaning my dear friend suggested to me to check for work in the same construction factory wher he was working. A concrete factory. I immediately took a change , next day i did the job interview and the day after i was hired. Intellectually i was doing this for not being always at home and not earning money..but deep down i know that the ONLY REASON for this choice it was because i have stuff to clean with my friend, the company, co-workers, land,materials, mother earth and every molecule or atom, so before i shows up i did my cleaning… Knowing that i supposed to bring some food for lunch… I felt inspired to cook some pancakes with Blue Solar Water and bring them to work …during the break for lunch i eat them …so by eating i was doing the cleaning…my friend felt inspired to give me a tour of all the factory.. a part of which I’m not working on. After 5 m to my surprise he showed me these “Loculi di Cemento ” = Concrete Locoli which are used to bury dead people..cause in italy is a rare occasion to bury people underground. There where hundreds of them for people ,animal, and there was even concrete urn for ashes. I was shocked!!! Consciously i didn’t even know that a part of this factory was making them. But lucky for me a part of me know this before…. Mahalo”

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