Cancellation & Refund Policy
Cancellation Policy
IZI has a right to cancel the event/class for any reason and only the amount of event registration fees paid by student will be refunded by the Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsible for collecting from the participants the fees for the Event and handling all refunds. The Coordinator is responsible for refunding only the amount of event registration fees paid by student . IZI LLC and the Coordinator are not responsible for travel expenses, lost deposits, or any other expenses incurred by the registration in anticipation of attending this event. No refunds for travel expenses, lost deposits, or any other expense incurred by the registrant in anticipation of attending this event. Each participant assumes the responsibility of any added expenses they incur by registering to attend the event.
SITH® India does not accept any cancellations after registration. The cleaning begins with registration and the registration list is sent every business day to the 3 affiliates, instructors & staff for cleaning.